Can not buy bitcoin coinbase

can not buy bitcoin coinbase

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Why is Coinbase not letting me buy?
When an account closure happens, buy/sell services are disabled and you will no longer be permitted to use your Coinbase account as a crypto balance. Why am I. Whenever i try to buy crypto, an error message pops up saying "account restricted, You are currently unable to buy and sell crypto on Coinbase. My cash out availability time frame hasn't expired and I want my funds immediately, what do I do? You can still buy, sell, and trade within Coinbase. However.
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We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. Just enter in your name, email and password to sign up. Platform supports crypto, stocks, options, and ETFs. You can also use Coinbase to buy and sell other cryptocurrencies. The worst part is that I will never get the last 4 hours of my life back